What is this course about?
You want an amazing, magical, enchanted life, you need to do lots of magic. But how do you get it done, without fear and with confidence? This course will empower you to create your own system — more magic and better magic!
Magic can be fun, creative, and take lots and lots of time. That’s great, except what if you don’t have time. What if it’s just too busy, or it’s an emergency, or you are away from your temple and your tools? You need a framework you can use!
In magic, there’s never one right way to do something. But I can tell you right now there are WRONG ways. Ways that won’t work, won’t get results, and can even get you into trouble. This course will teach you how to find the right ways – for you!
Stop reading and thinking about magic
and start doing it!
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How does it work? This is a self-paced course with six written lessons and practical suggestions. It’s compact, because if you had tons of time to spend learning magic, you wouldn’t need this course! The goal is to get you trying out tons of enchantment — safely and effectively — RIGHT AWAY.
Want this course for free? Join the Inner Circle and in addition, you’ll get the Monthly Planner, a free onboarding session one-on-one with Ivy, and 10% off other books and courses!