But it has such a nice ring to it: New Year, New You! Except you woke up on January 1st and, surprise, you’re the still same old you. Of course, who else would you be? And maybe January first did feel like a whole new start. But here, a few days in, you might be...
Contents: Update plans for 2025, new videos posted, Cycle Method course launch and module schedule, email login access should be fixed, my week in magic Hey Friends and Happy New Year! Update Plans for 2025 I’ve been having a bit of a well needed break this week...
Hey, I know it’s the end of the year and everyone is sending their marketing emails (so much email!). I appreciate you taking two minutes to allow me to market at you as well. I don’t do it much, mostly I’m all about the free and helpful. But...
One of my holiday gifts this year is new glasses with new frames. Now, I have… complicated vision. My current count is three surgeries (two corrective from many years ago and one retinal reattachment) and at this point I have progressive tri-focal lenses with...