Basics, Practical Magic Project Management, Start Here
I posted this back in mid-January, but thought that it was still relevant. For those of you considering making New Year’s Resolutions, this is as accurate as it was last year.On Last New Years Day, I caught a really amusing news segment on resolutions...
Basics, Practical Magic Project Management, Robin Hood 2018
Since this has come up a couple of times recently (in both my online and IRL lives), I thought it would be useful to spread the PM gospel. While I believe that everyone can benefit from acquiring some PM skills in order to meet their own goals, there are also some...
Basics, Personal Project: EBER (2017 - 2020), Practical Magic Project Management
Ever since mentioning my Bullet Ephemeris (and then blogging about it), I’ve been seeing masses of directed advertising for custom hardbound planner books. I am frankly stunned at the number and variety of these, to the point that I feel obliged to make sort of...
Basics, Get Shit Done, Practical Magic Project Management, Start Here
I promised a review of this to someone on Facebook, so I figured why not write about it here and get a 2-fer. I currently track the majority of my magical stuff in a bullet journal style ephemeris. I know there are some very awesome magical astrological journals and...
Basics, Practical Magic Project Management, Start Here
Stick with me, this is relevant. We’ve been watching a show that my husband found found online someplace (we only have basic cable with our internet) while I was traveling. At first I was skeptical, but he said he really liked it and couldn’t wait to show...
Basics, Practical Magic Project Management, Start Here
This is, by design, not a very personal blog. I made the decision early on to keep most of my real life away from CircleThrice. There are several reasons for this. First, most of my life appears pretty boring. I have a family and a good career and a house. I’m...