Get Shit Done, Practical Magic Project Management
Being a Rogue Magical PM for Hire (why didn’t I put this on my business cards?!) means that I’m not exactly a productivity guru, but I am “productivity adjacent.” After all, a big part of PMPM is getting things done in order to meet your goals....
Basics, Get Shit Done, Practical Magic Project Management, Start Here
I promised a review of this to someone on Facebook, so I figured why not write about it here and get a 2-fer. I currently track the majority of my magical stuff in a bullet journal style ephemeris. I know there are some very awesome magical astrological journals and...
Get Shit Done, Practical Magic Project Management
As you work toward your project goals, there will come a time when you realize that you can’t do it alone. Humans are by nature social creatures and thrive best when they have others around them. We crave love, acceptance, connection. This is the case for most...
Get Shit Done, Practical Magic Project Management
Please note, the following content was a response to something related on a private list. The response got too long, so I dumped it here. It’s not exactly out of bounds. All personal information has been removed.I happen to have a pretty steady schedule and if I...